Thursday 5 November 2009

JCDC SS10- Colour epiphany

Up until a recent colour revelation at a JCDC SS10 press preview, most people who know me know that i have been going through, apparently what could be described as "mourning", in terms of my total adoption of a muted, mostly black colour palette in my every day dress ( i blame this on the goth/grunge trend).
I used to (as close to 4 months ago) have the rule that i did not, would not, shall never ever ever (cross my fingers hope to die, stick a needle in my eye) were black, and before then had a technicolour of brightly coloured garments in my wardrobe. In the recent colder months the staple has been black skinny jeans and leggings, black sheer tee shirts and over-sized tees and shirts etc etc. Now it seems i have had a colour epiphany.

Bring on the summer!

3 comments: said...

Yum, yum, yum, I paased the JCDC shop yesterday and HAD to go in and once IN, it was hard to get myself OUT. Colourful craziness at its best. Lovely to meet you and the Buck boys properly BTW...

Alecca Rox said...

there's NO way one goes unnoticed in JC/DC... fun;)

*I like ur blog, glad I came across it.

Celia Loves... said...

Its so great! Really puts a smile on my face. I want to surround myself in things like this next summer. DO you think it would be to premature for AW09.. (i dont think i care)...LOL!